Land Conservation Finance

Our firm takes special interest in land conservation investment.

We track municipal bond issuance with conservation related use of proceeds. These bonds tend to be issued on a general obligation basis, and carry similar yield characteristics to competing bond offerings. This provides our clients with tax-exempt income and a clear view on how their money is working on land preservation and environmental remediation projects.

In select states we also participate in the market for tax credits generated by conservation easement, brownfield and historical preservation activities. Our work provides competitive rates of return on our client's tax capital, and gives them the ability to direct their annual tax payment specifically into projects they think are meaningful.

Colorado Conservation Easement Map - Tax Credits

Colorado Conservation Easement Map > Click to Enlarge


The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now. 

Sankala Group LLC | © 2010-2025
Registered Investment Advisory - Boulder, CO | T (720) 310-0605